
Introduction to Hermetismos

Hermetic tradition is an oversimplified form of Platonism that was spread from Egypt during the Hellenistic Period. It was a mystery tradition for selected initiates, with books and papers circulating among the chosen-ones, but those days have passed since Hermetism evolves and changes, adopting the currents of its time. This characteristic will always keep this tradition alive.

Website is Restored

At the late spring of 2018 and after being banished (ostracised) by the Covenant of Hekate admin team from the COH (facebook group with devotees of Hekate), the website Crossroads Witch was attacked by a cracker.

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Removing the Goddess from the River

Philosophical responses to a FB group of devotees who use the name, the teaching, and even terminology of Platon, but have no idea of them and they refuse to study and accept them.

In the current article, I have tried to present basic Platonic theories on the subject of piety and the Goddess Hekate, in the plainest and simple way possible. It was written after a period of reading a lot on Platonism and introspecting things that I experienced often, online. They prove certain things that both Eirini and I have talked about and written in the past. Take your time, make a coffee and then read the following paragraphs.

"You cannot enter the same river twice."

Keys of Methexis

Methexis is a term we see in Platonism. Before reading on methexis, the reader should know the Platonic theory of two worlds, or the theory of Ideas. As this theory has been presented in other articles, we should present a synopsis.

Always the Truth

Last days, some members of the Covenant of Hekate, press me not to write about things that aren’t pleasant. According to them, when you write what happened and this isn’t a happy story, I degrade the website. When I write against other people’s beliefs, I also degrade the website. This is the opinion we will examine on that blog post.

Counterfeit and Weird devotees #2

This article is a continuation of part one.

Devotees of All Gods

In this category we see people who worship a lot of different Goddesses and when they go online they claim to be devotees of Hekate in a forum of Hekate, of Demeter in a forum of Demeter, of Isis in a forum for the study of the Egyptian religion… They say they worship and invoke many Goddesses and they sense them.

Counterfeit and Weird devotees #1

In September 2017 I wrote the article: The Illusive Goddess in which I examine some cases of false dedication we see in the modern religious community of the Goddess Hekate. I continued to see those cases online. Recently, I have noticed that more devotees take a weird way, worshipping a Goddess they prefer to call Hekate, but She isn’t Hekate, at least, Hekate was never seen in that way in the past, only the last decades. Some friends of the Covenant of Hekate justify those people by telling that there isn’t only the Hellenic religion, in which we should be based. However, Hekate appears in the history in the Hellenic mythology and all the information and qualities we draw related to Hekate originate to the Hellenic history and mythology.

Mortal and Immortal Soul

Last month, I had the chance to meet a sincere devotee of the Goddess, who, like others, came from her country to Hellas, to find the traces of the Goddess and walk in the places She walked in antiquity. We went to some important archaeological sites and later, at night we sat in a local restaurant to eat. Like in antiquity, so as today, we started to discuss on the history, the mysteries and the philosophy of ancient Hellas. At some point I started to explain why there is evil in the world, when the universe has been created by the Ultimate God, who is agathos (= ultimately good). I said that even our true nature is divine, we have two parts. This seemed to be strange, so I am going to present here some basic platonic teachings on the mortal soul from the dialogue Timaios and later on the immortal soul.


Neoplatonism (νεοπλατωνισμός) is a term which describes the Neoplatonic Philosophy and it is a development of Plato's (Πλάτων) metaphysical teachings and religious system. The neoplatonic current was the main philosophical school of the late antiquity. This philosophical movement begins in the 3rd century A.C. with Plotinos (Πλωτίνος) who was one of the most important representatives of the Hellenic philosophy and the founder of Neoplatonism.

The Cosmic Soul in Platon

Platonic theology is a difficult subject. The contribution of the Goddess is necessary, so let's pray to have Her blessing on something that concerns the existence, the positioning, the role and the influence of the Cosmic Soul.

Divine Platon

Platon (Πλάτων) was born in classical Athens around 428 b.C. He lived till his '80's. His father was Ariston (Αρίστων) and his mother Periktione (Περικτιώνη). His initial name was Aristocles, but his gymnast changed it, either because he had wide forehead or wide chest. He had three brothers and a sister.


Theurgy and Philosophy are two different methods which lead to the union with God.


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