
Counterfeit and Weird devotees #2

This article is a continuation of part one.

Devotees of All Gods

In this category we see people who worship a lot of different Goddesses and when they go online they claim to be devotees of Hekate in a forum of Hekate, of Demeter in a forum of Demeter, of Isis in a forum for the study of the Egyptian religion… They say they worship and invoke many Goddesses and they sense them.

Counterfeit and Weird devotees #1

In September 2017 I wrote the article: The Illusive Goddess in which I examine some cases of false dedication we see in the modern religious community of the Goddess Hekate. I continued to see those cases online. Recently, I have noticed that more devotees take a weird way, worshipping a Goddess they prefer to call Hekate, but She isn’t Hekate, at least, Hekate was never seen in that way in the past, only the last decades. Some friends of the Covenant of Hekate justify those people by telling that there isn’t only the Hellenic religion, in which we should be based. However, Hekate appears in the history in the Hellenic mythology and all the information and qualities we draw related to Hekate originate to the Hellenic history and mythology.

Guide to Pronounce Greek Words

This is a guide that will show you how to pronounce every greek/hellenic word with paradigms. We will see how sound the vowels (v), the consonants (c) and the double letters.


Table 1:

The Letters

Hellenic Language: Ancient vs Modern

Ancient and modern Hellenic: two different languages or not?

Rite of Her Sacred Fires 2017

Rite of Her Sacref Fires 7 years on!

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Rite of Her Sacred Fires

The most well known annual ceremony for honoring the Goddess Hekate. It started in 27th of May 2010 and it is performed every year with great success. Hundrends to thousands of Witches participate in this ritual within the circle, within sacred space, outdoors in the forest, in the mountains, in caves or in a simple desk or in the floor. Some Witches perform this rite as a group, others do it in their privacy at their own.

Theurgy and Philosophy are two different methods which lead to the union with God.


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