By Constantinos Nt... on November 23, 2019
In a text of Emmanuel Rhoides titled "Orestes and Pylades" we read a story about a sculptor named Pygmalion. He wanted to create a statue of Aphrodite. He spent a night working with the hammer.
By Constantinos Nt... on August 27, 2019
Philosophical responses to a FB group of devotees who use the name, the teaching, and even terminology of Platon, but have no idea of them and they refuse to study and accept them.
In the current article, I have tried to present basic Platonic theories on the subject of piety and the Goddess Hekate, in the plainest and simple way possible. It was written after a period of reading a lot on Platonism and introspecting things that I experienced often, online. They prove certain things that both Eirini and I have talked about and written in the past. Take your time, make a coffee and then read the following paragraphs.
"You cannot enter the same river twice."
By Constantinos Nt... on August 27, 2019
Methexis is a term we see in Platonism. Before reading on methexis, the reader should know the Platonic theory of two worlds, or the theory of Ideas. As this theory has been presented in other articles, we should present a synopsis.
By Constantinos Nt... on April 06, 2018
Last month, I had the chance to meet a sincere devotee of the Goddess, who, like others, came from her country to Hellas, to find the traces of the Goddess and walk in the places She walked in antiquity. We went to some important archaeological sites and later, at night we sat in a local restaurant to eat. Like in antiquity, so as today, we started to discuss on the history, the mysteries and the philosophy of ancient Hellas. At some point I started to explain why there is evil in the world, when the universe has been created by the Ultimate God, who is agathos (= ultimately good). I said that even our true nature is divine, we have two parts. This seemed to be strange, so I am going to present here some basic platonic teachings on the mortal soul from the dialogue Timaios and later on the immortal soul.
By Constantinos Nt... on March 02, 2018
We have presented the opinions of Zenon and Epictetus in this blog, but we have not written anything on Stoic Philosophy, that great school of antiquity. We don’t often come across Philosophy in blogs about Hekate or even in blogs dealing with the broader range subject of Witchcraft and Magick. In “A Witch Alone at the Crossroads” we consider Philosophy as foundamental for understanding the cult and the mysteries of the Goddess. There is no way that an appropriate understanding of Neoplatonism and of the Chaldean Oracles can be achieved, without an understanding of the basic teachings of the systems which influenced them.
In ancient Hellas, the highest level of Philosophy was Theology and it greatly influenced the religion of that time.
By Constantinos Nt... on March 02, 2018
Anyone who is unfair to humans cannot respect God. -Porphyry
By Constantinos Nt... on March 02, 2018
By Constantinos Nt... on March 02, 2018
Recently Hekate lead me to the work "About Statues" of the neo-platonic philosopher Porphyry. I was meeting him, many times in references of ancient texts and modern studies. I was impressed when I started to read about him and about his teacher, Plotinos. The philosophical school of neoplatonism seems very interesting for a witch, especially for platonics. In this article we will see how Porphyry is decoding the names and the properties of Gods.
By Constantinos Nt... on March 02, 2018
From the 15 books that the neoplatonic philosopher, Porphyry had written in the 3rd century a.C. in order to examine the teachings of students of Christ under the lens of logic and philosophy, nothing has been survived except some fragments from references of other writers that Professor Adolf von Harnack in 1916 collected and reconstructed a book with quotes that most of them are attributed to Porphyry. In this article I have translated a part of the book (the responses of Makarios Magnes) in which Porphyry is presenting a teaching in which angels of christianity and gods of the ancient religion are the same entities and another part from the same book with great meanings.
By Constantinos Nt... on March 01, 2018
The ancient Hellenes didn't believed in idolatry, the had a complicated religion full of Gods. Using the oracle of Trophonios in Boetia as an example we will see how this worked every time.
There is a several amount of people even in Hellas who believe that ancient Hellenes worshipped statues, so they call them eidololatres and the phenomenon idolatry. In ancient hellenic religion people believed in Gods and Goddesses, energies of the universe, angels, daimones (daimons). The gave to those energies different forms according to their vision or experience. Those forms were the statues. So ancient Hellenes never woshipped statues but the idea behind the statue, the idea that the statue represented.
It amazes me how so many traditions follow these ancient protocols and roles,