By Constantinos Nt... on February 26, 2022
Eros and Psyche is a myth we see included in the book Metamorphoses of Apuleius, written in the 2nd-century a.C. Books four to six contain the myth and it was a common Platonic habit to put a myth when you didn't want to say something openly.
By Constantinos Nt... on February 19, 2020
Goddess Hekate is a lunar Goddess from antiquity. It was identified with Selene (the Moon Goddess) and Artemis, who represents the lunar light. We also know that Hekate is also related to Magick, Necromancy and the world of the dead, Hades. Those areas were connected in ancient Hellenic religion, mainly in the parts that were available for the initiates of the mysteries. In this article, I will use Plutarch's work On The Apparent Face On The Circle of The Moon and my Platonic background. Plutarchos was a High Priest/Hierophant in Delphi and a Middle-Platonic philosopher, so he is "our guy" for understanding ancient Hellenic religion.
By Constantinos Nt... on August 27, 2019
Philosophical responses to a FB group of devotees who use the name, the teaching, and even terminology of Platon, but have no idea of them and they refuse to study and accept them.
In the current article, I have tried to present basic Platonic theories on the subject of piety and the Goddess Hekate, in the plainest and simple way possible. It was written after a period of reading a lot on Platonism and introspecting things that I experienced often, online. They prove certain things that both Eirini and I have talked about and written in the past. Take your time, make a coffee and then read the following paragraphs.
"You cannot enter the same river twice."
By Constantinos Nt... on April 06, 2018
Last month, I had the chance to meet a sincere devotee of the Goddess, who, like others, came from her country to Hellas, to find the traces of the Goddess and walk in the places She walked in antiquity. We went to some important archaeological sites and later, at night we sat in a local restaurant to eat. Like in antiquity, so as today, we started to discuss on the history, the mysteries and the philosophy of ancient Hellas. At some point I started to explain why there is evil in the world, when the universe has been created by the Ultimate God, who is agathos (= ultimately good). I said that even our true nature is divine, we have two parts. This seemed to be strange, so I am going to present here some basic platonic teachings on the mortal soul from the dialogue Timaios and later on the immortal soul.
By Constantinos Nt... on March 09, 2018
Platonic theology is a difficult subject. The contribution of the Goddess is necessary, so let's pray to have Her blessing on something that concerns the existence, the positioning, the role and the influence of the Cosmic Soul.
Divine Platon
Platon (Πλάτων) was born in classical Athens around 428 b.C. He lived till his '80's. His father was Ariston (Αρίστων) and his mother Periktione (Περικτιώνη). His initial name was Aristocles, but his gymnast changed it, either because he had wide forehead or wide chest. He had three brothers and a sister.
By Eirini Tsotsou on March 03, 2018
This is the beginners a reading list and focuses on the books that a beginner should read in order to get to know the Goddess and Her characteristics better.
There are different books about different topics that someone might find interesting. Some of these books are easier to read and some demand background reading that is indirectly related to Hekate to be properly understood. In the following list, you will find books that anyone who is interested in Hekate should read, and there is no need for reading other books at first place prior to reading those suggested in the list. Choose one book to begin with and enjoy your read!
By Eirini Tsotsou on March 03, 2018
Socrates explains that death is not an experience accompanied with the loss of someone's existence. The real human is the soul which is immortal.
By Constantinos Nt... on March 02, 2018
T.H. Pattinson was a watchmaker in Yorkshire of northern England and a member of Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (S.R.I.A.). He was initiated in the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn in 1888, thus he was one of the first members. At 20th of June he wrote a letter to Westcott, the founder of the Golden Dawn, in which he describes a vision he had. The letter can be found in R.A. Gilbert's book, The Golden Dawn Scrapbook, Weiser 1997
Frater Vota Vita Mea (Pattinson) describes a crowned spirit who gave him a symbol. It consists of three rhombs one vertical in the middle and two horizontals to the sides. This is a symbol which illustrates the primary creation or the union of first causes.
By Constantinos Nt... on March 02, 2018
The Triumph XXI of the Rider Waite Smith deck and its connection with the Goddess Hekate, especially seeing Her as the Mother of Binah projecting as the Bride of Binah in the path of Tau.
The card was painted by Adepts Pamela Colman Smith under the instructions of Arthur Edward Waite, but he also got inspired by the card of the Tarot de Marseilles. Waited added the second wand but he didn’t want to be black, in order to keep some secrets.
The oval shape is drawn upon medieval symbolism of the Christ, who was surrounded by almond shapes with leaves. The four creatures around are those from the vision of Ezekiel and Revelation. So the picture was inspired by Christ and the Apocalypse.
By Constantinos Nt... on March 02, 2018
Timaios is one of the dialogues of Plato, which the great philosopher wrote in his latest years. It is a continuation of “About Town” or “About Justice” and after that, Kritias should be read, at least the fragment that is has survived to us. Another title for Timaios is “About Nature”. It was the main text of cosmology till 13th century, when the Physics and Metaphysics of Aristotle were discovered. The first two parts have been survived in latin and the third in hellenic. Plato uses Physics, Astronomy, Mathematics, Pathology, Cosmology and Metaphysics in his dialogue.
It amazes me how so many traditions follow these ancient protocols and roles,