
Porta Maggiore Basilica

The secret underground basilica is in the center of Rome. It was built around 50 a.C.

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The Long Gates

Goddess Hekate is a lunar Goddess from antiquity. It was identified with Selene (the Moon Goddess) and Artemis, who represents the lunar light. We also know that Hekate is also related to Magick, Necromancy and the world of the dead, Hades. Those areas were connected in ancient Hellenic religion, mainly in the parts that were available for the initiates of the mysteries. In this article, I will use Plutarch's work On The Apparent Face On The Circle of The Moon and my Platonic background. Plutarchos was a High Priest/Hierophant in Delphi and a Middle-Platonic philosopher, so he is "our guy" for understanding ancient Hellenic religion.

Introduction to Hermetismos

Hermetic tradition is an oversimplified form of Platonism that was spread from Egypt during the Hellenistic Period. It was a mystery tradition for selected initiates, with books and papers circulating among the chosen-ones, but those days have passed since Hermetism evolves and changes, adopting the currents of its time. This characteristic will always keep this tradition alive.

The Beauty and the Gods

The beauty (of the god) is unique; a beauty above any beauty. (The god) bears beauty and he makes it more beautiful with the excess of beauty flowing from him, the beginning and the end of beauty. As a source of beauty, everything that comes from him is beautiful. - Plotinos VI.7

Plato on Piety

Anyone who is unfair to humans cannot respect God. -Porphyry

Ancient Unknown Hymn to Hekate Chthonia

In the following article an ancient hymn to Hekate will be presented saved by the christian philosopher and theologist, Ippolytos. The hymn is unknown to the community of the Goddess Hekate and as this blog has the goal to present rare material and information from the ancient texts, about our Goddess, this article is another great contribution to our goal. The hymn can be used to invoke the Goddess during Deipnon (=Supper) or the darker aspects during waning of the moon.

Viewing the Gods with Porphyry

Neoplatonic philosopher Porphyry was married old with Marcella who has seven children. He had to leave the city for a while. He wrote to her a letter to read it when she will miss him. This text has a lot of ethical teachings of neoplatonism and as philosophy was connected with theology, it contains a lot information about piety and the correct way of worshipping the gods. In this article I will provide some of the best teachings concerning honoring the gods.

Plutarch on Superstition

Plutarch/Ploutarchos has written a book about superstition, the wrong fear of the Gods. He is comparing this disease with another one, atheism. From his text we see that Hekate was feared, she was the Goddess of magick and we see a clear identification with Artemis.


The ancient Hellenes didn't believed in idolatry, the had a complicated religion full of Gods. Using the oracle of Trophonios in Boetia as an example we will see how this worked every time.

There is a several amount of people even in Hellas who believe that ancient Hellenes worshipped statues, so they call them eidololatres and the phenomenon idolatry. In ancient hellenic religion people believed in Gods and Goddesses, energies of the universe, angels, daimones (daimons). The gave to those energies different forms according to their vision or experience. Those forms were the statues. So ancient Hellenes never woshipped statues but the idea behind the statue, the idea that the statue represented.


In the ancient city of Hyampolis from the copper era (2000 b.C.) the Goddess Artemis and the God Apollo were worshipped until the Byzantine period of 4th century a.C. For many centuries in that area, Artemis was the main Goddess (at least from 13th century b.C.). From this area, the cult of Apollo expanded and went to Athens. The modern name of Hyampolis is Kalapodio. In 1973 German archaeologists under Rainer Felsch discovered the temple of Elaphivolos Artemis. The epithet means deer hunter. The temple is similar to Parthenon of Athens. Some people also believe that the same artist, Iktinos was the designer.


Theurgy and Philosophy are two different methods which lead to the union with God.


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