
Create a Shrine


Shrine is a sacred surface/table that is used only for one God or Goddess and it is mainly for devotional work, praying and offerings. For creating a shrine you will firstly need a surface like a table or a bookcase section, where you will add items corresponding to the specific deity. The table could be either put at the center of the room or against the wall of the room, traditionally looking at the east. On the table must be put a depiction of the God or the Goddess. This depiction can be either a statue or a cornice with a printed image of the deity. The printed image version is used when there is not a statue of the God available to buy.

Starting the Connection

A question that I had when I was beginning to establish a stronger connection with the Goddess Hekate, was "how can I do it?" I was invoking the Goddess inside the circle, I knew the necessary mythology about Her, a big part of it I had read in Witchcraft books. When I felt the calling from Her, I saw this matter of connection more seriously. Well, I couldn't avoid it. The Goddess was communicating with me, there was no way not to see the signs. I liked that She wanted to work with me. I tried to do some things and I also asked for the guidance of my friend Katerina, who was also a devotee. One of the things I did, was to read, to study, to search about Her. And from that starting point, I made a secure ground for building a safe and strong relationship.

Celebrating Litha

Celebration of the Litha Sabbat in the 21st of June 2016

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Samhain Sabbat 2015

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Theurgy and Philosophy are two different methods which lead to the union with God.


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