
Priests and Priestesses

In this article are presented the characteristics of the priests of the Gods and the responsibilities of the priest in Eleusinian Mysteries. The Priests of the Gods should be able-bodied, having deep knowledge and venerable so that they inspire reverence and not lough. On the inside, they should be well-educated and adept of the mysteries and every theology because it was their job to teach others the mysteries, how to pray, how to believe and how to do offerings and sacrifices. They had to live a pure bios, be abstemious and sensible. They used to avoid meat and other inimical habits to the health.

Mysteries of Eleusis

The Temple

Goddess Demeter was invited by the friends of the king's daughter to the palace. She started working to find comfort after the abduction of Persephone. She was repeating a ritual to make the son of the king Keleos, immortal. One day, his mother, Metaneira entered the room and saw Demeter holds the key over the fire. Metaneira started shouting. Demeter left the palace, she got angry. She ordered Keleos to built a temple in her honour under Eleusis with stone walls and in a high level over Kallichoron Frear. Demeter entered in her place and caused limos, famine. After the return of her daughter, she taught to the Eleusineans, her Mysteries.

Theurgy and Philosophy are two different methods which lead to the union with God.


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