
Pathworking In Hekate's Cave In Samothrace

In the previous article, we saw the basics of pathworking, and as we are on a website on Hekate's cult, we will see a pathworking of the tradition of the Golden Dawn to the path of Shin, from Malkuth to Hod. In Israel Regardie's book, A Garden of Pomegranates, there is a good material of Hermetic Kabalah. Ciceros have added more material in the classical books of Regardie, upgrading them to ultimate tools for the student who is eager to learn about the tradition of the Golden Dawn. Unfortunately, in my country, these books have not been translated, but this is not a problem for us who can read English books.

Hekate in the GD Temple Tarot #2

Almost a year ago, I wrote an article with Hekate in the G.D. Temple Tarot. It is time to expand it and be more analytical. In this article I am going to focus on the Moon card of the Major Arcana and how the Goddess is related with that card.

T.H. Pattinson's Vision with Angel R(aphael)

T.H. Pattinson was a watchmaker in Yorkshire of northern England and a member of Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (S.R.I.A.). He was initiated in the Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn in 1888, thus he was one of the first members. At 20th of June he wrote a letter to Westcott, the founder of the Golden Dawn, in which he describes a vision he had. The letter can be found in R.A. Gilbert's book, The Golden Dawn Scrapbook, Weiser 1997

Frater Vota Vita Mea (Pattinson) describes a crowned spirit who gave him a symbol. It consists of three rhombs one vertical in the middle and two horizontals to the sides. This is a symbol which illustrates the primary creation or the union of first causes.

Hekate in the GD Temple Tarot

The Golden Dawn Temple Tarot is one of a few Golden Dawn Tarot decks that are available for the magickal and tarot community. It is a pure representative of the english school of tarot, the most famous school. This deck is the most recent in its category and maybe the most vivid one. It has been created by Nicola and Harry Wendrich and Nick Farrell, extremelly important personalities. It is available in the Wendrich Art House website ( The cards have been drawn after esoteric work like meditation, astral projection and total understanding of the Book T of the Golden Dawn Hermetic Tradition.

Theurgy and Philosophy are two different methods which lead to the union with God.


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