
Rite of Her Sacred Fires 2017

Rite of Her Sacref Fires 7 years on!

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Poem: To Walk In The Dark

Out of the blue, out of the dark, and into the light of the Moon. I am slowly driven to Her Sacred Fires.

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ROHSF Geospatial Data Analysis 2016

Short version of study of the incidence of the annual international celebration “Rite of Her Sacred Fires” honoring the Goddess Hekate around the world for the years 2015-2016.

Rite of Her Sacred Fires 2016

The Rite of Her Sacred Fires (ROHSF) is an annual celebration honoring the Luminous Goddess of the Crossroads, Hekate. It was written by the very famous Sorita D'Este and performed in Full Moon 2010 for the first time. Sorita created that ceremony after a vision she had. Every year more and more people celebrate the ROHSF from all over the world lighting candles to honor the Goddess Hekate and to express their will for a better understanding of Her Mysteries. Everey year the magickians who perform the Rite put themselves to a global map.

The ceremony has been published in the devotional anthology, "Her Sacred Fires", published by Avalonia Books. It is available online in translation to many languages.

Rite of Her Sacred Fires

The most well known annual ceremony for honoring the Goddess Hekate. It started in 27th of May 2010 and it is performed every year with great success. Hundrends to thousands of Witches participate in this ritual within the circle, within sacred space, outdoors in the forest, in the mountains, in caves or in a simple desk or in the floor. Some Witches perform this rite as a group, others do it in their privacy at their own.

Theurgy and Philosophy are two different methods which lead to the union with God.


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