
Artemis Vrauronia

Vrauron is one of the most important ancient cities of Attica, placed in the south-east seashore. A river called Erasinos goes through this ancient town. The place was inhabitted before 3500 b.C. and in the museum we can see items from the Mycenaean civilization, the Age of Bronze and the Geometric Period.

When Iphigeneia came back from the city of Tauroi (Euxeinos Pontos) with Orestes, she brought the wooden statue of Artemis and she put it in the temple of Artemis in Vraurona. Iphigeneia was the priestess (kleidouchos) of Artemis.


The Long Gates

Goddess Hekate is a lunar Goddess from antiquity. It was identified with Selene (the Moon Goddess) and Artemis, who represents the lunar light. We also know that Hekate is also related to Magick, Necromancy and the world of the dead, Hades. Those areas were connected in ancient Hellenic religion, mainly in the parts that were available for the initiates of the mysteries. In this article, I will use Plutarch's work On The Apparent Face On The Circle of The Moon and my Platonic background. Plutarchos was a High Priest/Hierophant in Delphi and a Middle-Platonic philosopher, so he is "our guy" for understanding ancient Hellenic religion.

Hekate's association with the stars

Hekate’s association with the stars can be seen from the other goddesses that she is connected with and their qualities. Hekate appears to be Selene (Moon) in Apollius Rodios and Ovid's Metamorphoses. In the Hellenistic period Hekate was Selene in the sky, Persephone in the Underworld (Hades), Artemis in the Earth. Nonnus (5th century a.C.) is writing that Selene is Hekate of many names. In the PGM we can find hymns and many magickal spells that associate Hekate with Selene, especially hymns to the moon.

Torches in Hellenic Mythology

One of the most well-known symbols of Goddess Hekate is the torch. Other goddesses and gods have as symbol the torch. Let's see who they are.


There are four women known with name Artemis. The first is daughter of Zeus and Persephone, the second one is daughter of Uranos and Phoebe, the third one is daughter οf Dionysos and Demetra and the fourth one that most known is the daughter of Zeus and Leto. Artemis was born in Delos Island one day before her brother Apollo was born. Her name comes from the word “artia” (άρτια) that means “entire” because Artemis was responsible for the people's health. Artemis is the daughter of Leto and Zeus. Leto's parents are titan Koios and Phoebe.


In the ancient city of Hyampolis from the copper era (2000 b.C.) the Goddess Artemis and the God Apollo were worshipped until the Byzantine period of 4th century a.C. For many centuries in that area, Artemis was the main Goddess (at least from 13th century b.C.). From this area, the cult of Apollo expanded and went to Athens. The modern name of Hyampolis is Kalapodio. In 1973 German archaeologists under Rainer Felsch discovered the temple of Elaphivolos Artemis. The epithet means deer hunter. The temple is similar to Parthenon of Athens. Some people also believe that the same artist, Iktinos was the designer.

Theurgy and Philosophy are two different methods which lead to the union with God.


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