
Porta Maggiore Basilica

The secret underground basilica is in the center of Rome. It was built around 50 a.C.

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Removing the Goddess from the River

Philosophical responses to a FB group of devotees who use the name, the teaching, and even terminology of Platon, but have no idea of them and they refuse to study and accept them.

In the current article, I have tried to present basic Platonic theories on the subject of piety and the Goddess Hekate, in the plainest and simple way possible. It was written after a period of reading a lot on Platonism and introspecting things that I experienced often, online. They prove certain things that both Eirini and I have talked about and written in the past. Take your time, make a coffee and then read the following paragraphs.

"You cannot enter the same river twice."

Keys of Methexis

Methexis is a term we see in Platonism. Before reading on methexis, the reader should know the Platonic theory of two worlds, or the theory of Ideas. As this theory has been presented in other articles, we should present a synopsis.


Neoplatonism (νεοπλατωνισμός) is a term which describes the Neoplatonic Philosophy and it is a development of Plato's (Πλάτων) metaphysical teachings and religious system. The neoplatonic current was the main philosophical school of the late antiquity. This philosophical movement begins in the 3rd century A.C. with Plotinos (Πλωτίνος) who was one of the most important representatives of the Hellenic philosophy and the founder of Neoplatonism.

The Cosmic Soul in Platon

Platonic theology is a difficult subject. The contribution of the Goddess is necessary, so let's pray to have Her blessing on something that concerns the existence, the positioning, the role and the influence of the Cosmic Soul.

Divine Platon

Platon (Πλάτων) was born in classical Athens around 428 b.C. He lived till his '80's. His father was Ariston (Αρίστων) and his mother Periktione (Περικτιώνη). His initial name was Aristocles, but his gymnast changed it, either because he had wide forehead or wide chest. He had three brothers and a sister.

The Life of Plotinos

Plotinos (204 – 270 A.C.) is one of the greatest philosophers of antiquity and his name is spoken in the same breath with the name of Plato. His philosophical system still alive, never stopped to inspire and influence people from his time until today. His philosophical thought influenced mainly by Plato shows and explains the relationship of the man with the God and the human nature with the divine.

Why Atheism is a Disease

Someone brought to my attention that atheism is considered disease by Plato. This phrase has caused many misconceptions and negative criticism and it is important before forming an opinion about a subject or a person, we need to be sure that we understand the concept of which someone speaks – and in our case Plato in the current of Platonism.This article is not about to offend anyone or pass judgement on anyone's choice. This article is a commentary on Plato's opinion.

Plato in his book Laws writes that atheism is a disease. This article attempts a brief explanation of his viewpoint. In his book we read:

Becoming Agathos Daimon

Commentary on Philebos

In this article we will examine how the neoplatonic philosophers view the interferences of the Gods in their lives concerning good things. I read a comment from the dialogue of Plato, Philebos. The comment was saved by Damascios but it containts a teaching of Iamblichos.

Ancient Text

"As it seems to mee, Gods give a present to people, as it was done with Prometheas who brought down the ultra-bright fire." (Philebos 16c)

Position of the Cosmic Soul

On the work of Proclos, Commentaries on Timaios, we read a comment about a platonic teaching concerning the positioning of the soul. Porphyrios, Iamblichos and Proclos give their views. Read the following text having in mind that the Goddess Hekate is the cosmic soul, the soul of the universe, putting the soul of the universe in the middle between the mental and the tangible world.

Plato, Timaios 34b

“He positioned the soul in its middle and spread it all over the world and he covered the outside with the body.”


Theurgy and Philosophy are two different methods which lead to the union with God.


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