
Gateways Through Stone and Circle

Frater Ashen Chassan is one of the more important ceremonial magickians of our century. This is his first book on Magick and it is a practical one, explaining the use of a system based in DSIC of Trithemius and The Magus of Francis Barrett.

Leather Cases

When the witch creates his/her magical tools for ritual uses, the next step is to create cases for them. A black cotton fabric case for each tool protects it from unwanted earthy energies when the tool is not used. So, it is common to sew our own fabric cases for each tool. Some witches take it a step further by attaching them to their belt. Others, like me, prefer to lay them on the altar and remove them from the cases when the ritual is about to start.

Faerie Athame

If you want to work with the faeries using faerie/fairy magick you need a bronze athame. So, I had to buy bronze and make it or find a bronze knife. I had worked with bronze before, so I have the knowledge to make a knife from metal. I was going to a meeting and I passed through an antique store. Something made me stay there and see the items. I found some old letter opener knives, which were in terrible condition.



Kartograme is an art workshop dedicated to divinatory Marseille tarot decks. It is located in France. The whole project started in 2016 by the young geologist Agnes Kappler, who is passionate about art, new methods, preserving artwork and the French game cards we know as Tarot de Marseille.

Genius Of The Tarot


Vincent Pitisci is a Tarot cartomancer who lives in Chicago. He reads Tarot since 1969 and professionally since 1992. The Genius Of The Tarot is his first book and the most basic one regarding card meanings. The way I see it, it is a book that has to be read with The Essential Tarot, as they both are the same work from another angle. His books carry his personal style, sense of humor and you think that he is actually teaching you. I have read three of them and they were being read quickly.

Essential Tarot


The full title of the book is "The Essential Tarot - Unlocking the Mystery" and it is the second book of Vincent Pitisci after his first one "The Genius of the Tarot".

Talisman with Bindrunes

Bindrunes is a magickal technique that combines more than two runes to produce a new rune with all the powers in it. The new rune is beautiful and harmonious. The bindrune has many runes in it due to the shape of the runes. So, it is normal to create a bindrune with 5 runes and see that 2 runes has appeared when you have drawn the first 3 runes. The bindrune should be nice to look, so there is a permission to adjust some of the runes to add them in the main runes. You can do mirroring, reduce some section of each rune etc.

Theurgy and Philosophy are two different methods which lead to the union with God.


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