By Constantinos Nt... on September 04, 2023
Vrauron is one of the most important ancient cities of Attica, placed in the south-east seashore. A river called Erasinos goes through this ancient town. The place was inhabitted before 3500 b.C. and in the museum we can see items from the Mycenaean civilization, the Age of Bronze and the Geometric Period.
When Iphigeneia came back from the city of Tauroi (Euxeinos Pontos) with Orestes, she brought the wooden statue of Artemis and she put it in the temple of Artemis in Vraurona. Iphigeneia was the priestess (kleidouchos) of Artemis.
By Constantinos Nt... on February 26, 2022
Eros and Psyche is a myth we see included in the book Metamorphoses of Apuleius, written in the 2nd-century a.C. Books four to six contain the myth and it was a common Platonic habit to put a myth when you didn't want to say something openly.
By Constantinos Nt... on December 30, 2019
Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) was an Irish writer. He was born in Dublin, studied ancient Hellenic philology and classical studies in Dublin (Trinity College) and Oxford (Magdalene College).
By Constantinos Nt... on November 23, 2019
In a text of Emmanuel Rhoides titled "Orestes and Pylades" we read a story about a sculptor named Pygmalion. He wanted to create a statue of Aphrodite. He spent a night working with the hammer.
By Constantinos Nt... on August 27, 2019
Charites and Hekate
Kallos (κάλλος) is an Hellenic word meaning something of perfect beauty and good in one. “In ancient Hellas ethics is a part of aesthetics. An action is neither good or bad, it is beautifull or ugly… A prudent action is not just ethical, but also beautiful.” (Platon, Abel, Jeanniere, Editions du Seuil 1994)
By Eirini Tsotsou on March 05, 2018
The sanctuary of Hekate in Athens used to open 5 months each year for the visitors to see the sites. For the year 2017, it opened only for 1 month for unknown reasons without any kind of announcement.
By Eirini Tsotsou on March 03, 2018
Empousa was a katachthonic daemon and she was under the dominance of Hekate. Hekate was the sender of dreams (ονειροπομπός) and sender of spirits (φασματοπομπός), meaning that she had control over them. She was sending to people spirits and dreams which they named hekataia (εκάταια). Odysseus built a temple to Hekate in Sicily to free himself from the dreams and spirits She could transform and take different forms. She was transforming in donkey, ox, bird, woman, stone, tree and other similar forms. Empousa was sent by Hekate to miserable people, signifying them their miserableness. Most of the times she was seen by foot passengers and she was coming after them insulting them.
By Constantinos Nt... on March 02, 2018
By Eirini Tsotsou on March 02, 2018
Hekate’s association with the stars can be seen from the other goddesses that she is connected with and their qualities. Hekate appears to be Selene (Moon) in Apollius Rodios and Ovid's Metamorphoses. In the Hellenistic period Hekate was Selene in the sky, Persephone in the Underworld (Hades), Artemis in the Earth. Nonnus (5th century a.C.) is writing that Selene is Hekate of many names. In the PGM we can find hymns and many magickal spells that associate Hekate with Selene, especially hymns to the moon.
By Constantinos Nt... on March 02, 2018
Yew or Taxus baccata is one of the trees associated with Hekate, necromancy, magickal wands etc. In this article I will present some info for growing that tree and its magickal properties. My purpose is to give you all the info you will need to have a yew friend in your yard. Just go to your plant store, ask Taxus baccata, buy some biological calcium, 2-3 handfulls of rocks, read this article and plant your yew.
It amazes me how so many traditions follow these ancient protocols and roles,